Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua y Barbuda
    1999 Parliamentary Elections
    Elecciones Parliamentarias 1999  

Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas, Political Database of the Americas

Last Updated / Última actualización: April 7, 2005

Elections of March 11, 1999/ Elecciones de 11 de Marzo de 1999
Constituency Winning Party Constituency Winning Party Constituency Winning Party
St. John's City West ALP St. John's City East ALP St. John's City South ALP
St. John's Rural West UPP St. John's Rural South ALP St. John's Rural East ALP
St. John's Rural North ALP St. Mary's North ALP St. Mary's South UPP
All Saints East & Saint Luke UPP All Saints West ALP St. George UPP
St. Peter ALP St. Philip North ALP St. Philip South ALP
St. Paul ALP Barbuda BPM

Source/ Fuente:

Return to Electoral Systems
Regresar a Sistemas Electorales
Return to Antigua and Barbuda Elections Results
Regresar a Resultados Electorales de Antigua and Barbuda