Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua y Barbuda
    1951-1976 Parliamentary Elections
    Elecciones Parliamentarias 1951-1976
Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas, Political Database of the Americas

Last Updated / Última actualización: April 11, 2005

Parliamentary Elections 1951-1976
Election ALP PLM Other Parties Independents
  Votes Seats Votes Seats Votes Seats Votes Seats
1951 4,182 8 X* X X X 603 0
1956 5,509 8 X X 846 X X 0
1960 2,128 10 X X 217 0 158 0
1965 - 10 X X - 0 - 0
1971 6,409 4 9,761 13 595 0 157 0
1976 12,056 11 12,268 5 X X 275 1
* X: Parties were defunct or did not exist, and therefore did not compete in the election.

Source / Fuente: Patrick A. M. Emmanuel, General Elections in the Eastern Caribbean, Table 9, p.29.

How to cite this page:

Political Database of the Americas (1999) Antigua and Barbuda: 1951-1976 Parliamentary Election Results. [Internet]. Georgetown University and the Organization of American States. In: 26 March 125.

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