Belize / Belice
   1984 Parliamentary Elections
    Elecciones Parlamentarias de 1984
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Last Updated / Ultima actualizaciĆ³n: September 9, 2005

General Election of 1984

CONSTITUENCY No. of Ballots for PUP Candidate No. of Ballots for UDP Candidate No. of Ballots for IND Candidate No. of Ballots for CDP Candidate Total No. of Ballots Cast
Caribbean Shores 5019772---1,500
Fort George727784------1,511
Port Loyola 5401,112------1,652
Queen's Square 4491,029------1,478
Mesopotomia 795889------1,694
Lake Independence 618723------1,341
Collet 559950------1,509
Belize Rural North 665858------1,523
Belize Rural South 997692------1,689
Corozal North 8361,104------1,940
Corozal Bay 906898------1,804
Corozal South East 1,196988------2,184
Corozal South West 8961,120------2,016
Orange Walk Central 853941------1,794
Orange Walk North 7331,107------1,840
Orange Walk South 7821,226------2,008
Orange Walk East 1,0511,069------2,120
Cayo North 8691,271------2,140
Cayo Central 9111,033134---2,078
Cayo West 706904------1,610
Cayo South 861825------1,686
Dangriga 682432773851,576
Stann Creek West 604569---3231,496
Toledo East 728927------1,655
Toledo West722732------1,454
TOTAL 20,96125,75621370847,638

PUP- People's United Party
UDP- United Democratic Party
CDP- Christian Democratic Party
IND- Independent

Total number of electors- 64,447
Total votes cast- 48,311
Total votes spoilt and rejected- 673
% of electors who voted- 74.9

Source / Fuente: Elections and Boundaries Commission

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