Belize / Belice
    1993 Freetown By-Election
    Elección de Freetown 1993
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Last Updated / Ultima actualización: September 9, 2005

Freetown By-Election of January 1993

CONSTITUENCY Electors on list Ballots Cast Rejected Ballots PUP Candidate UDP/NABR Candidate IND Candidate Total Accepted Ballots
Freetown 3166 1907 7 1294 504 102 1900
Percentage of Electors 100 60.23 0.22 40.87 15.92 3.22 60.01
Percentage of Ballots Cast --- 100 0.37 67.86 26.43 5.35 99.63

PUP- People's United Party
UDP/NABR- United Democratic Party/National Alliance for Belize Right
IND- Independent

Source / Fuente: Elections and Boundaries Commission

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