Belize / Belice
    Results of Town Board Elections by District, 1985
    Elecciones de Consejo de Pueblo por Distrito, 1985

Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas, Political Database of the Americas

Last updated/ Ultima actualización: September 14, 2005

TOWN Electors on list Ballots Cast Participation Rate % No. of Candidates No. of Seats Won
Corozal 3,012 2,190 72.71 7 7 --- --- 7 ---
Orange Walk 4,426 3,145 71.06 7 7 --- --- 7 ---
San Ignacio 3,401 2,235 65.72 7 7 --- --- 7 ---
Benque Viejo 1,477 961 65.06 7 7 --- --- 7 ---
Dangriga 2,865 1,594 55.64 7 7 --- --- 7 ---
Punta Gorda 1,019 713 69.97 7 7 --- --- 7 ---
San Pedro 648 548 84.57 --- 7 7 --- --- 7
TOTAL 16,848 11,386 67.58 42 49 7 --- 42 7

PUP- People's United Party
UDP- United Democratic Party
IND- Independent

Source / Fuente: Elections and Boundaries Commission

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