ECUADOR: November 26, 1995 Plebiscite on constitutional reforms*

Registered Voters: 6,577,974
Votes Cast: 3,857,851 (average on 11 questions) [58.65% of Registered Voters]
Valid Votes: 3,001,105 (average on 11 questions) [77.79% of Votes Cast]
Null Votes: 403,022 (average on 11 questions) [10.45% of Votes Cast]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Yes 1,322,174 1,200,491 1,338,275 1,184,321 1,131,996 1,214,455 1,307,079 1,310,928 1,186,018 1,342,446 1,176,319
Yes % 44.52 39.68 44.94 39.68 37.54 39.94 43.17 43.56 40.18 43.94 39.77
No 1,647,031 1,824,636 1,639,455 1,799,785 1,882,934 1,825,840 1,720,461 1,698,087 1,765,610 1,712,452 1,781,355
No % 55.47 60.31 55.05 60.31 62.45 60.05 56.82 56.43 59.81 56.05 60.22
*Voters could vote on 11 separate questions. The average percentage of blank votes for each question was 11.76%. For more information, see article in Elections Today, vol.5, no.4 (January 1996).

source: Elections Today: News from the International Foundation for Election Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1
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