    1985 Elecciones de Diputados
    1985 Deputy Election Results
Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas, Political Database of the Americas

Partidos Votación # Cúrules
Christian Democratic (DCG) 417,850 51
Union of National Center (UCN) 259,361 22
National Liberation Movement (MLN-PID) 175,535 12
Democratic Party of National Conciliation (PDCN-PR) 162,810 11
Nationalist Authentic Central (CAN) 76,714 1
Social Democratic Party (PSD) 52,963 2
National Renewal Party (PNR) 47,828 1
Anti-Communist Unification Party (PUA-MEC-FUN) 17,828 0
TOTALS 1,210,889 100

Fuente: Organization of American States

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