November 30, 1997 Chamber of Deputies Election Results by Department Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas, Political Database of the Americas

Atlantida 44,673 1,934 4,439 1,366 37,448 89,860 2,827 6,992
Colon 28,855 2,291 1,378 7,728 20,782 61,034 2,538 4,393
Comayagua 52,301 2,031 4,126 1,769 41,458 101,685 5,187 9,315
Copan 43,851 1,735 2,197 1,020 44,841 93,644 4,002 6,005
Cortes 158,740 8,730 18,455 6,147 103,041 295,113 8,254 22,211
Choluteca 58,371 3,946 1,998 516 57,268 122,099 4,348 7,058
El Paraiso 62,058 2,090 2,022 1,109 44,593 111,872 3,863 7,309
Fco. Morazan 181,383 9,825 26,682 11,656 161,737 391,283 13,932 5,678
Gracias a Dios 4,209 224 412 32 4,852 9,729 225 210
Intibuca 22,556 1,132 621 1,131 27,416 52,856 1,743 3,623
Islas de la Bahia 6,029 81 252 53 4,285 10,700 222 592
La Paz 23,896 1,323 1,392 2,866 19,283 48,760 2,318 3,335
Lempira 29,828 1,763 1,152 703 37,939 71,385 3,129 5,198
Ocotepeque 19,804 816 466 98 16,362 37,546 1,104 1,792
Olancho 60,263 2,273 4,626 1,247 52,109 120,518 3,795 6,656
Sta. Barbara 54,516 3,679 2,227 4,033 48,508 112,963 4,815 7,107
Valle 23,939 1,704 1,613 228 23,314 50,798 1,501 3,160
Yoro 65,992 3,917 4,134 2,409 45,572 122,024 4,411 9,720
TOTALS 941,264 49,494 78,192 44,111 790,808 1,903,869 68,214 111,074
Deputies to National Congress 72 2 3 1 55 133
Deputies to Parlacen 9 1 1 1 8 20

DEPARTMENT Registered Voters Votes Cast Abstention
Votes % Votes %
Atlantida 151,438 99,679 65.82 51,759 34.18
Colon 100,731 67,965 67.47 32,766 32.53
Comayagua 153,990 116,187 75.45 37,803 24.55
Copan 131,220 103,651 78.99 27,659 21.01
Cortes 516,708 325,578 63.01 191,130 36.99
Choluteca 174,290 133,505 76.60 40,785 23.40
El Paraiso 163,017 123,044 75.48 39,973 24.52
Fco. Morazan 580,376 410,893 70.80 169,483 29.20
Gracias a Dios 14,894 10,164 68.24 4,730 31.76
Intibuca 71,658 58,222 81.25 13,436 18.75
Islas de la Bahia 17,674 11,514 65.15 6,160 34.85
La Paz 65,763 54,413 82.74 11,350 17.26
Lempira 100,156 80,432 80.31 19,724 19.69
Ocotepeque 49,962 40,442 80.95 9,520 19.05
Olancho 170,088 130,969 77.00 39,119 23.00
Sta. Barbara 163,697 124,885 76.29 38,812 23.71
Valle 72,049 55,459 76.97 16,590 23.03
Yoro 201,962 136,155 67.42 65,807 32.58
TOTALS 2,899,673 2,083,157 71.84 816,516 28.16

Source: Panorama Centroamericano No. 135, March 1998

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