Saint Lucia / Santa Lucia:
    1974-1992 Parliamentary Elections
    Elecciones Parlamentarias de 1974-1992
Political Database of the Americas (HOME)

Last updated / Ultima actualización: September 22, 2005.


Absolute Numbers / Números Absolutos

Year / Año Inscritos  Voters / Votantes

Blank and Voided Votes /
Votos Blancos y Anulados

Valid Votes / Votos Válidos
1974 39,815 33,498 1,081 32,417
1979 6,917 46,191 1,191 45,000
1982 75,343 49,590 1,083 48,507
1987 (6/4) 83,153 50,511 1,158 49,353
1987 (30/4) 83,257 53,883 1,146 52,737
1992 n.d. n.d. n.d. 59,224
Parties / Partidos *
Year / Año UWP SLP PLP PPP Independents / Independientes
1974 17,300 14,554 --- --- 650
1979 19,706 25,294 --- --- ---
1982 27,252 8,122 13,133 --- ---
1987 25,892 18,889 4,572 --- ---
1987 (6/4) 28,046 21,515 3,176 --- ---
1992 (30/4) 33,562 25,565 --- 97 ---


Percentages / Porcentajes

Year / Año

Voters over Inscrpited Voters /
Votantes Sobre Inscritos

Blank and Voided Votes /
Votos Blancos y Anulados
Valid Votes / Votos Válidos
1974 84.1 3.2 96.8
1979 68.0 2.6 97.4
1982 65.8 2.2 97.8
1987 (6/4) 60.8 2.3 97.7
1987 (30/4) 64.7 2.1 97.9
1992 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Parties / Partidos *
Year / Año UWP SLP PLP PPP Independents / Independientes
1974 53.4 44.5 --- --- 2.0
1979 43.8 56.2 --- --- ---
1982 56.2 16.7 27.1 --- ---
1987 (6/4) 52.5 38.3 9.3 --- ---
1987 (30/4) 53.2 40.8 6.0 --- ---
1992 56.7 43.2 --- 0.2 ---


* Partidos:
UWP =  United Workers' Party
SLP = Saint Lucia Labor Party
PLP = Progressive Labor Party

Source / Fuente: Enciclopedia Electoral Latinoamericana y del Caribe, 1989

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