Republic of Suriname / República de Suriname
    2005 Presidential Elections
    2005 Elecciones Presidenciales
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Last updated / Última actualización: August 9, 2005

Party Total Votes Vote percentages
A-Combinatie (A-Com) 15,867 7.21
A-1 (A1) 12,901 5.86
Nationale Democratische Partij (NDP) 48,879 22.2
Nieuwe Front voor Democratie en Ontwikkeling (NF) 86,690 39.37
Nieuw Suriname (NS) 3,460 1.57
Nationale Unie (NU) 272 0.12
Progressieve Arbeiders en Landbouwers Unie (PALU) 3,460 0.89
PPP (PPP) 370 0.17
Unie van Progressieve Surinamers / Partij voor Democratie en Ontwikkeling in Eenheid (UPS / DOE) 10,293 4.67
Volksalliantie Voor Vooruitgang (VVV) 30,352 13.79
Invalid votes: 9,139 4.15
Total: 220,181 100.0

Since no coalition/party received a two-thirds majority in the elections held on May 25, 2005, the President and Vice-President were elected by a special vote of the 891-member of the United People's Assembly (the National Assembly plus District and Local Councils) on August 3, 2005. The results were as follows:


Ronald Venetiaan
Rabin Parmessar
Invalid Votes
Absent Members
Total Votes


Source / Fuente: Central Polling Authority / Library Anton de Kom University of Suriname, 2005

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