Republic of Suriname / República de Suriname
    1996 Presidential Elections
    1996 Elecciones Presidenciales
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Last updated / Última actualización: June, 2000

Elections of May 23, 1996 were for the National Assembly (51 seats).
Party Total Votes Vote Seats 1996 Seats 1991 Seats 1987
NF 72,480 41.8 24 30 40
NDP 45,466 26.2 16 12 3
DA '91 22,548 13.0 4 9 n/a
Pendawalima 16,040 9.2 4 2* 4
ALLIANTIE 14,578 8.4 3 n/a n/a
ABOP 2,360 1.4 0 n/a n/a
Totals: 173,472 100.0 51 51 47

*These two seats were a part of the DA'91 nine seats, since DA'91 was a four party coalition including the Pendawalima representatives.

Since no coalition/party got two-thirds majority (the President/Vice-President are elected indirectly), the President and Vice-President were elected by the United People's Assembly (the National Assembly plus District and Local Councils) on September 5, 1996. Jules Wijdensobsch, former Prime Minister during military dictator Desi Bouterse's government, was elected president on September 5, 1996 by an assembly of parliamentary representatives, community and district councils called the United People's Conference. The 869 local, district, and nationally elected officials included 51 parliamentarians, 106 district representatives, and 712 local officials. the breakdown of the vote was as follows:

Wijdenbosch 438
Venetiaan 407
No-shows 22
Blank Ballots 2

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