Republic of Suriname / República de Suriname
Political Parties
Partidos Políticos |
Last Updated / Última actualización:
August 1, 2005
Alternatief I (A-1)
consists of:
- Democraten 21 (D21) / Democrats of the 21nd Century
Leader / líder:
S. Moestadja
- Politieke Vleugel van de FAL (PVF) /
Political Wing of the FAL
Leader / líder: J.
- Trefpunt 2000 (T2000) -
Partij voor Democratie en Welzijn (PDW) / Meeting Point 2000 - Party
for Democracy and Well-Being
Leader / líder:
A. Jesserun
- Amazone Partij Suriname (APS) /
Amazon Party of Suriname
Leader / líder:
K. van Genderen
A Combinatie (A-Com)
consists of:
- Algemene Bevrijdings- en Ontwikkelingspartij
(ABOP) / General
Liberation and Development Party
Founded / fundado:
February 11, 1990
Leader / líder:
R. Brunswijk
- Vereniging voor Broederschap en Eenheid in de Politiek
/ Brotherhood and Unity
in Politics
Leader / líder: C.
- Seeka (Seeka)
Leader / líder: P.
Democratisch Alternatief
'91 (DA91) / Democratic Alternative '91
Founded / fundado:
Leader / líder: W.
NU/HPP plus
consists of:
- Nationale Unie (NU)
/ National Unity
Leader / líder: P. van Leeuwaarde
- Hernieuwde Progressieve Partij (HPP plus) /
Renewed Progressive Party
Leader / líder: N. Menckenberg
Nationale Democratische Partij (NDP) /
National Democratic Party
Founded / fundado: June 25, 1987
Leader / líder: Delano D. Bouterse
Nieuwe Front (NF) /
New Front
consists of:
- Nationale Partij Suriname
(NPS) / National
Party of Suriname
Founded / fundado: September 29, 1946
Leader / líder: Ronald R. Venetiaan
- Verenigde Hervormings
Partij (VHP) / Progressive
Reform Party
Founded / fundado: 1949
Leader / líder: R. Sardjoe
- Surinaamse Partij van de Arbeid (SPA)
/ Surinamese
Labor Party
Founded / fundado: July
1, 1987
Leader / líder: S. Gids
- Pertjaja Luhur (PL)
Leader / líder: P.S. Somohardjo
Nieuw Suriname (NS) /
New Suriname
Leader / líder: R. Nanan Panday
Progressieve Arbeiders en Landbouwers Unie (PALU)
/ Progressive Workers' and
Farmers' Union
Leader / líder: J. Hok
consists of:
- Unie van Progressieve Surinamers (UPS)
/ Union of Progressive Surinamese
Leader / líder: B.
Sheoraj Panday
- Democratie en Ontwikkeling in Eenheid (DOE)
/ Democracy and Development through Unity
Leader / líder: M. Schalkwijk
Email / correo electrónico:
- Naya Kadan (NK)
Leader / líder: M. Dwajapersad
Founded / fundado:
July 9, 1999
Volksalliantie Voor Vooruitgang (VVV) /
People's Alliance for
consists of:
- Democratisch Nationaal Platform 2000 (DNP2000) /
Democratic National Platform 2000
Founded / fundado: February 27, 2000
Chairperson / presidente:
E. Alibux
Leader / líder: J.A. Wijdenbosch
- Basispartij voor Vernieuwing en Democratie (BVD)
/ Basic
Party for Renewal and Democracy
Leader / líder: T. Gobardhan
- Kerukanan Tulodo Pranatan Ingit (KTPI) /
Party for National Unity and Solidarity
Founded / fundado:
November 28, 1948
- Pendawa Lima (PL)
Leader / líder: R. Sapoen
- Partij Pembangunan Rakat Suriname (PPRS)
Leader / líder: R. Kaaiman
Source / Fuente: Library
Anton de Kom University of Suriname