Trinidad and Tobago / Trinidad y Tobago
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Political Database of the Americas

Last Updated / Última actualizada: January 18, 2007

Democratic Action Congress

National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR)
founded: 1983
*National Alliance (consisting of the United Labour Front led by Basdeo Panday, the Democratic Action Congress led by A.N.R. Robinson and the Tapia House Movement led by Lloyd Best) and the Organisation for National Reconstruction (led by Karl Hudson-Phillips).

People's National Movement (PNM)

United National Congress (UNC)

Source / Fuente : Wikipedia: Matthias Catón: "Trinidad and Tobago" in: Elections in the Americas. A Data Handbook, vol. 1, ed. by Dieter Nohlen. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005: pp. 627–646 Kirk Meighoo: Politics in a Half Made Society: Trinidad and Tobago, 1925-2002, 2003
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