Electoral Calendar 2009
Calendario Electoral 2009

Ultima actualización / Last update: February 27, 2009

Country / País

Type of Election / Tipo de Elección

Date / Fecha

El Salvador Legislative
January 18
Bolivia Referendum Constitucional
January 25
Venezuela Referendum (enmenda para reeleccion)
February 15
El Salvador Presidential
March 15
Antigua and Barbuda Parliamentary
March 12
Haiti (*) Parliamentary (Senate)
April 19
Ecuador Presidential - Legislative
April 26
Panama Presidential - Legislative
Mayo 3
Mexico Legislative
July 5
Saint Kitts and Nevis Parliamentary
Argentina (**) Legislative
October 25
Uruguay Presidential - Legislative
October 25
Honduras Presidential - Legislative
November 29
Chile Presidential - Legislative
December 11
Bolivia Presidential - Legislative
December 6
Dominica Parliamentary
December 18

(*) Haiti held a second round for its Senate election on June 22nd. Hubo una segunda eleccion para el Senado el 22 de Junio.

(**) The Legislative elections in Argentina were antecipated to June 28th. Las elecciones legislativas en Argentina fueron anticipadas para el 28 de Junio.

Source / Fuente: Election Guide, Departamento para la Cooperacion y Observacion Electoral de la OEA and tribunales electorales de los paises.