About the Participant Institutions in the Political Database of the Americas
The Political Database of the Americas is a non-governmental project of the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University in collaboration with the Organization of American States through its Secretariat for Political Affairs.
Additionally, other institutions in the region support the development of the Political Database providing information, statistical data and analysis on specific issues, with the aim of enriching and diversifying the resources offered to the growing number of the database.
The PDBA has received generous contributions from a number of organizations, such as the Tinker Foundation and the Government of the United States, which has contributed to the development and improvement of its work.
Principal Participating Institutions
Center for Latin America Studies (CLAS), Georgetown University
The PDBA is developed and updated by a research team from the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Georgetown University, where its offices are located.
The Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University, founded in 1959, is a renowned institution for both its teaching and its research programs. The Master of Arts in Latin American Studies is today one of the leading programs of its kind, developing teaching and conducting research on the issues of democracy, economic integration, inter-American affairs, culture and society.. The Center has also participated in numerous projects related to democratic governance and has convened several international conferences pertaining to economic, social, cultural and political issues in the Americas, with special focus on the strengthening of democratic political institutions.
Secretariat for Political Affairs (SAP), Organization of American States (OAS)
The Secretariat for Political Affairs of the Organization of American States is the main body within the General Secretariat of the OAS responsible for activities in support of democratic consolidation in the member states. The main mission of the SAP is to provide guidance and support to the member states to preserve and strengthen their democratic institutions and procedures. In addition, the SAP supports programs for the consolidation of peace, the process of reconstructing societies after conflicts, and the provision of expert advice and guidance for newly-installled governments.
Department of Government at Georgetown University
The Department of Government, through its collaboration with several faculty members, offers academic and institutional support for the development of the PDBA. This support is reflected in the launching of the section on Democracy, Security and Conflict Prevention.
Other Insitutions that have collaborated with the PDBA
Colombia Program of the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University
The former Colombia Program, at the Center for Latin American Studies, worked closely with PDBA for the development of the section on Decentralization and Local Governance and in the area of Citizen Security included in the section on Democracy, Security and Conflict Prevention.
Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL)
The Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL) is an independent, non-profit organization that, through a wide variety of programs, promotes mechanisms for creating links between organizations in Canada and similiar organizations throughout the Americas. Encouraging dialogue about hemispheric affairs, it promotes the mutual understanding between the peoples of Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. FOCAL works with various Canadian and hemispheric bodies dedicated to work in the specialized area of Canadian-Latin American/Caribbean relations.
Fundação Getulio Vargas(FGV-Brazil)
The Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) is a private, non-profit institution dedicated to the development and teaching of the Social Sciences, particularly in the areas of Economics, Administration, and History. Created in 1944, it has played a strategic role in spreading ideas of economic efficiency in both public and private administration in Brazil. Originally based in Rio de Janeiro, its activities currently spread to São Paulo, Brasíilia, and more recently to Manaus and Porto Alegre. It was also the first institution to systematically collect and compute data on the Brazilian economy including such information as: national accounts, balance of payments, employments statistics, price indexes and inflation.
Library and Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Suriname
The University of Suriname, located in Paramaribo, offers a variety of services in the Faculties of Medicine, Technology and Social Science. Founded in 1968, the University of Suriname, through its faculty of Social Science, offers courses the areas of Law, Sociology, Business Economics, General Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Education and Pedagogical Sciences. The Library includes a Main Library serving the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Technology as well as a separate Medical Library serving the Faculty of Medicine.