República de Guatemala / Republic of Guatemala

Partidos Políticos/ Political Parties

Usted está en : PDBA / Partidos Políticos / Guatemala

Hay 28 partidos políticos reconocidos por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Guatemala. De los 28 partidos, 12 tienen alguna representación en el Congreso. Abajo estan detallados sólo los partidos que tienen por los menos tres representantes en el Congreso y/o algun gobernador (*). Los demas estan listados al final de la pagina. / There are 28 political parties recognized by Guatemala's Supreme Electoral Tribunal. Of the 28 political parties, 12 are represented in Congress. Listed below are only the political parties that have at least 3 representatives in Congress and/or governors. The remaining parties are listed at the end of this page.

El Congreso de Guatemala es unicameral. Posee 158 miembros. / Guatemala's Congress is unicameral. It has 158 members.

Partidos Políticos / Political Parties

Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General ) / Chairman
Ingrid Roxana Baldetti Elias
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
38 (i)
Gobernadores / Governors


Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Jairo Joaquín Flores Divas
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
31 (ii)
Gobernadores / Governors


Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Manuel Antonio Baldizon Mendez
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
27 (iii)
Gobernadores / Governors


Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Jaime Antonio Martinez Lohayza
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
17 (iv)
Gobernadores / Governors --


Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Luis Fernando Perez Martinez
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives

Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Mario Amilcar Estrada Oreorellana
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
6 (v)
Gobernadores / Governors

Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Alvaro Enrique Arzu Irigoyen
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
Gobernadores / Governors


Fundación / Foundation
Reconocimiento legal / Legal recognition
Máxima autoridad (Secretario General) / Chairman
Juan Guillermo Gutierrez Strauss
Representacion Institucional / Institutional Representation
Diputados / Representatives
3 (vi)


Otros partidos con representacion en el Congreso son: / Other parties with representation in Congress:

  • Independiente Bancanda Guatemala (BG): 13 seats
  • Independiente (IND): 6 seats

Apesar de la representacion en el Congreso, estes partidos no estan incluidos en el listado de partidos reconocidos por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral en su sitio Web. Tambien la totalidad de sus representantes actuales pertenecia a otro partido o coalicion politica. / Despite the representation in Congress, these parties are not included in the list of recognized parties by Guatemala's Sumpreme Electoral Tribunal in its webpage. Also, the total number of its current representatives were originally members of another party or political coalition.

(*) Los gobernadores son nombrados por el presidente del pais. Por esta razon, no estan listados en las tablas. / The governors are appointed by the president of the country and for this reason are not listed in the tables.

(i) 23 de los diputados que representan este partido pertenecian a otra bancada o coalición política/ 23 of the representatives that currently represent this party were originally members of another party or political coalition.

(ii) 2 de los diputados que representan este partido pertenecian a otra bancada o coalición política/ 2 of the representatives that currently represent this party were originally members of another party or political coalition.

(iii) 26 de los diputados que representan este partido pertenecian a otra bancada o coalición política/ 26 of the representatives that currently represent this party were originally members of another party or political coalition.

(iv) 5 de los diputados que representan este partido pertenecian a otra bancada o coalición política/ 5 of the representatives that currently represent this party were originally members of another party or political coalition.

(v) 5 de los diputados que representan este partido pertenecian a otra bancada o coalición política/ 5 of the representatives that currently represent this party were originally members of another party or political coalition.

(vi) Uno de los diputados que representan este partido pertenecian a otra bancada o coalición política/ 1 of the representatives that currently represent this party were originally members of another party or political coalition.

Fuentes / Sources: Congreso de la República de Guatemala / Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Guatamala

Ultima actualización: December 15, 2011