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working papers archive

  • #1
    Ignacio Uría : Benedicto XVI está en Cuba PDF
  • #2
    Felipe Jácome : Trans-Mexican Migration: a Case of Structural Violence PDF
  • #3
    Ximena Medinacelli : Indigenas y Sociedad en Latinoamerica Actual PDF
  • #4
    Kotaro Horisaka : Japanese Banks and the Latin American Debt Problem PDF
  • #6
    Michael Coppedge : Democratic Governability in Latin America: The Emerging Agenda PDF
  • #7
    Julio María Sanguinetti : Gobernabilidad en Democracia: El Caso de Uruguay PDF
  • #9
    CLAS : Learning from the Crisis: Investment, Growth, Democracy, and Social Justice in Latin America PDF
  • #10
    John Bailey, Sergio Aguayo Quezada: Strategy and Security in US-Mexican Relations PDF
  • #12
    Kenny D. Anthony: Political Perspective on Globalization: Implications for Small Economies PDF
  • #14
    Jan Nissen: Democratization in Peru: A Donor Perspective PDF
  • #15
    Ximena Pachón C. : La infancia perdida en Colombia: los menores en la guerra PDF
  • #16
    Wilson Almeida : Integração Americana: A balança de poder do continente americano pósguerra Fria PDF
  • #17
    Bjorn-Soren Gigler : Poverty, inequality and human development of indigenous peoples in Bolivia PDF
  • #18
    Wilson Almeida: Ethanol diplomacy: Brazil and U.S. in search of renewable energy PDF
  • #19
    Inés M. Pousadela: Fora Collor / Que se vayan todos Dynamics of Accountability in Argentina and Brazil PDF

CENTER FOR LATIN aMERICAN sTUDIESGeorgetown University484, 4th Floor, Intercultural Center37th and O Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20057Phone: (202) 687.0140Fax: (202) 687.0141

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