República de Panamá / Panama Republic

Resultados Electorales

Electoral Results

Usted está en: Sistemas y Datos Electorales / Panama / Referendo 2006

Resultados del Referendo 2006
2006 Referendum Results

Octubre 22, 2006

Pregunta / Question


¿Aprueba usted la propuesta de construcción del tercer juego de esclusas en el Canal de Panamá?

Do you approve the proposal for the construction of the third set of locks in the Panama Canal? (*)

# de votos


Padron Electoral 2.132.842 100%
Votos Emitidos 924.029 43,3%
Votos Blancos 9.967 1,1%
Votos Nulos 7.673 0,8%
Abstensionismo 1.208.813 56,7%


(*) The expansion project has three integrated components: (1) construction of two lock facilities (one on the Atlantic and the other on the Pacific side), each with three chambers containing water reutilization basins; (2) excavation of new access channels to the new locks and widening of existing navigational channels; (3) deepening of the navigation channels and elevation of Gatun Lake’s maximum operating level.

Source: Tribunal Electoral de Panama and Election Guide



Ultima actualizacion: Deciembre 5, 2007